Crypto News

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Wikileaks Founder Says “Use Cryptocurrency” When Bank Accounts Are Frozen

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told his 6,000 Twitter followers that the website exposing US government corruption is suffering another “banking blockade.” According to Assange, US intelligence is making it difficult for Wikileaks’ donors, and Cypherpanks (cryptographers) argue that people should donate Cryptocurrency to get around the blockade. Julian Assange is an Australian programmer and the founder of Wikileaks. The web portal is a publication that publishes classified media, leaked Team, and confidential information from governments and corporations. Wikileaks has been accepting Bitcoin since 2011 when the website was first blocked financially. At that time, Paypol, Mastercard, Visa, and Bank of America stopped allowing people to contribute to Wikileaks using their services, so on June 14, 2011, the non-profit organization started accepting Bitcoin donations. Assange has been talking about Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin a lot lately. Recently, Assange thanked the US government and the aforementioned electronic payment gateways for promoting their use of Bitcoin. Since 2011, the organization has received 4,025 Bitcoins and has achieved a profit of over 50,000%.

Last week, Assange said that Bitcoin is more realistic than the long-running anti-financial protest movement stemming from economic inequality around the world. The Wikileaks founder said: This week, Assange told the public that Wikileaks is currently dealing with a “Blockade Banking 2.0” event and that the platform is currently accepting Zcash, Monero, and Litecoin along with Bitcoin donations. “We have uncovered an astonishing plot by US intelligence against the foundation that gives Wikileaks donors the ability to deduct taxes in the EU (Wau Holland Stiftung) – it comes after our series on the CIA, Vault 7, in the press next week. Strangely, at the same time in the US, the Freedom of the Press (FPF) foundation has told us that it will close its US tax deductions in January,” Assange explained. Just like in 2011, Wikileaks’ legal team is also trying to protect the rights of donors and allow people to donate to the organization. Two days ago, on December 19, Assange explained to the public that anonymous intruders had harassed the head of Wikileaks’ legal team. “Police said: These people broke into the law office of Baltasar Garzón – head of Wikileaks’ legal team in Madrid – no money was stolen – security cameras recorded… Very professional action,” Assange captioned. Disclaimer : This information is provided as a personal blog, not as general information or investment advice. We are not responsible for your investment decisions.

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